
Contact Us

404 Evans St.
Greenville, NC 27858

phone number
(252) 551-6947


HollysHeadshot2017 Holly Garriott
Executive Director

Contact for Grants, Personnel, and Satellite Galleries.          
PaulasHeadshot2017 Paula Rountree
Programs Director

Contact for Classes, Community Outreach, Parties, Payment, Refunds, Registration, and Rentals.


SarahL Sarah Lazure
Marketing & Exhibits Director

Contact for Exhibitions, Marketing, and Sales Gallery.
heather Heather Mae Suter
Education Coordinator

Contact for Classes, Memberships, Pottery, and Volunteers.


SarahL Michael Crane
Engagement Director

heather Paula "PJ" Jordan-Mayo
Gallery Attendant


SarahL Morgan Laketa
Pottery Coordinator

Phone Pic